Our Biggest Sale Yet on Our Earthbag Tiny House Course, Owen’s House Plans, and Our Upcoming Workshop

Hello all! The holiday season is upon us with Black Fridays, Cyber Mondays, and the like! In the spirit of sharing, we're lowering the prices on everything we have to offer.…

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Reasons to Build Your Tiny House with Earth

In 2019, we set up a workshop to build a tiny house on our community property. It was an eight-day workshop–the longest we had done to date, and it filled up quickly. As most readers probably already know, tiny houses have been one of the biggest trends in alternative building.

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An Interview With Jasmine Dale, Co-Builder of the Hobbit House

I Had the Opportunity to Ask Jasmine Dale, Wife of Simon Dale, Some Questions About Their Hobbit House in Whales. If You’re Interested in Natural or Alternative Building, and Unless You’ve Been Living Under a Rock for the Last Decade or So, You’ve Probably Come Across Pictures of the Hobbit House...

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