“Morgan was gracious enough to lead a weekend workshop/work party on our Madison Co, NC property that helped us get a solid start building our own earthbag root cellar. We couldn’t be happier with the experience and results. Morgan is a wealth of experience and knowledge, and has a great sense of humor on top of that. His sweet family is a joy and inspiration to be around. Can’t wait for the upcoming cob oven workshop with SLS!”

Emily Driskill

“Morgan was such a great instructor. He had a lot of insight that only comes with experience. He answered everyone’s questions to the fullest and made sure we all left feeling confident in what he taught us. If I can make it again, I’ll definitely come to another workshop.”

Adrienne Ryan

“Morgan with Sustainable Life School organized and lead a four day Tinyhouse workshop at our property in West Point, VA. Before the workshop we had lots of questions about Earthbag Building and Morgan always made himself available through email and phone calls to answer all our questions. Once we joined his online class we really started to feel comfortable about building a Tinyhouse of our own. Morgan is very knowledgeable and resourceful. He taught us so much about Earthbag Building and living sustainably. If you are curious about building an earthbag structure I would highly recommend joining his online class and attending a build workshop, or host one with Sustainable Life School. His workshops are not only educational but also fun and productive.

Thank you Morgan for sharing your wisdom, knowledge, and passion with us!”

Victoria Nation

“Sustainable Life School is the real deal; I have attended other weekend workshops for similar topics and generally walk away from them with a mix of satisfaction and disappointment – after all, a weekend is a really short time to explain methods/processes/philosophies to a group of strangers AND give everyone a chance to get their hands on the materials while still being able to ask questions.

Somehow, Morgan seemed to fit it ALL in to such a short timeframe. He not only explained concepts, history and rationales clearly to us (while answering questions and deftly walking down sidetracks and back again to the matter at hand) he got all of us involved in the actual act of diddling, filling, stacking, tamping, plastering and lime-whitewashing earthbags, all while being his knowledgeable, warm, wise-cracking self.

I *highly* recommend involving yourself with Sustainable Life School if you have any interest in sustainable building, etc. I went into the weekend having never touched an earthbag or having made/applied plaster from local soil and now I feel like I’m ready to tackle my own project!”

Joel Henderson