Kelly Hart of The Natural Building Blog shared the gorgeous estate of Mickey Muenning, “The Man Who Built Big Sur.” Mary Jane and I lived in Big Sur in 2007 and some of our friends lived in a house built by him, if I’m not mistaken. His work is gorgeous and unorthodox. All photos by Richard Olsen. The original article can be found at Dwell.
The Glass House (don’t throw stones!) was the first he built on his 30 acre property. He lived in it for a time, while he completed his main house, and then it became his studio.

In 1985, he began work on the main residence. It features a large central courtyard with a huge central skylight and is seamlessly built into the hillside.

The Caretaker House was the last built on the property and is no less beautiful than the others. I find his buildings to be ambitious and extremely well-executed, the work of a true master. If you’d like to buy this place and happen to have the lucre to do so, you can do so at the dwell link above! Thanks for reading!